my growling stomach

Two and a half weeks ago I made a decision. This decision was based on the way my pants were fitting. I decided to eat ONLY when I was truly hungry. Additionally, I decided to eat about half of what I would like to eat AND to forgo desserts except for special occasions or family dinner gatherings. 

It sucks to be a food addict… Can anyone relate? I mean, WHO doesn’t like food? Plus, everyone has to eat.  When a person is addicted to coffee or cigarettes (or whatever) and wants to quit, it is physically possible to just quit. It isn’t easy, but it is possible. Not so with food. We must eat in order to live.

I want to eat to live, rather than live to eat. 

For about twenty years I have been riding the diet roller coaster. At my top weight, I was in the store ready to purchase a pair of size 22 jeans, and I couldn’t do it. That’s when the real ride began. My first official diet. Heavily burdened with rigid rules, I set out to follow them ALL and find a life of lasting thinness. 

It lasted all right. It lasted until I could no longer never eat white sugar or flour again. At first, eating those desserts and breads didn’t seem to make a difference. Somewhere in my mind, I decided that I could eat that stuff and stay thin. 

Not true. 

Long story short, I have gained and lost somewhere in the realm of 350 pounds over the past twenty years, usually using the same restrictive diet, but also trying others from time to time. Here’s what I learned:

Diets. Don’t. Work.

That’s why about four years ago, at Christmas time, I decided to change the way I eat. Basically, I followed the plan of eating less and moving more, using the idea of eating when I’m hungry, taking half of what I’d usually take and stopping when I’m full. Guess what… It worked!!!

Healthy lifestyle requires intentionally building and maintaining good habits. It also requires being honest with yourself.  This past year I’ve gotten lazy about the way I eat, hence my clothing has become uncomfortable and if I’m honest, some of it doesn’t fit at all. (Does it count as “fitting” if I can squeeze myself into it and just barely get it buttoned??? Ummmm… I think not.

I’m happy to report, my “fat jeans” are fitting very nicely this week. I still have a ways to go to fit into my favorite pair but I’m back on the right track. And honestly, its good to feel my stomach growl. 

2 thoughts on “my growling stomach”

  1. Good for you! I appreciate your candor. You look like someone who has always been thin, so I would never have known this was a struggle for you. You got this, girlfriend!

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

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